She read the future
She read the future i read her past. Format : 260x420 mm. Pages : 140.
read the future, I read her past is an investigation, a research of
documents, photos, and writing to meet my great-grandmother, fortune teller, gypsy-born. This is a story of nomadic circus women over
three generations, the mother, the grandmother and the
great-grandmother. They crossed France to the rhythm of
and trailers. It’s a family story, a tribute to these forgotten
communities. From real facts, I have dreamed up and told in words and
images, the life of these three generations, throughout the 19 - 20
th centuries. This
edition is a journey, a mausoleum, written to create a trace in time
and not forget.
read the future, I read her past is an investigation, a research of
documents, photos, and writing to meet my great-grandmother, fortune teller, gypsy-born. This is a story of nomadic circus women over
three generations, the mother, the grandmother and the
great-grandmother. They crossed France to the rhythm of
and trailers. It’s a family story, a tribute to these forgotten
communities. From real facts, I have dreamed up and told in words and
images, the life of these three generations, throughout the 19 - 20
th centuries. This
edition is a journey, a mausoleum, written to create a trace in time
and not forget.
Elle lisait l’avenir, je lis son passé est un travail d’investigation, de recherche de documents, de photos, et d’écriture pour aller à la rencontre de mon arrière-grand-mère, cartomancienne, née tsigane. C’est une histoire de femmes circassiennes, nomades sur trois générations : l’arrière-grand-mère, la grand-mère et la mère. Elles ont traversé la France au rythme des chapiteaux et des roulottes. C’est une histoire familiale, un hommage à ces communautés oubliées. À partir de faits réels, j’ai rêvé et raconté la vie de ces trois générations, au long du 19 e et 20 e siècles. Cette édition est un voyage, un mausolée, pour ne pas les oublier, écrire pour leur donner une trace.
